Tag Archives: beehive relocation near me

Become A Master Pest Controller by Blending Organic Mixes with Garden Care Products

Being a gardener is not easy, because there are many things that can seriously go wrong with it. The foremost obstacle that comes on top of the head is the problem of pests. Doesn’t matter if you are taking all precautions and seeing results for your hard work, pests can ruin it all by invading your garden. That’s when affordable bee hive removal Brisbane comes into the picture. But if you are seeking a natural remedy, stay tuned to learn more about it.

Are Natural Remedies Enough Pest Control?

It most certainly is, especially when it about protecting your gardens. Most of the pest control solutions have deadly chemicals that will definitely be harmful to your garden. That’s why it’s better to turn to the natural and organic mix to get the best result without any side-effects.

Prime Organic Pest Control Fixes

  • Insecticidal Soap- Insecticidal soaps are the best way to treat insect attacks in the garden. These soaps contain a type of fatty-acids that dissolves the skin of insects. There are also insecticidal soap sprays available for ease of use. These sprays will work just like the ones “beehive relocation near me” uses just to make sure that the solution comes in contact with the insects.
  • Using Neem Oil with Water- Neem is the most common and effective solution for pest problems in the garden. The oil is extracted from the tree which is then mixed with azadirachtin to make it stronger. This solution is perfect for a good head start. If you start to see insects in your garden, just sprinkle them daily on your garden and start to see fewer and fewer caterpillars, aphids, etc.
  • Garlic and Oil Mix- For this fix, you need to collect some things from the kitchen. Take 1garlic head, 2 cups of water, and only 1 tablespoon of bleach-free dish soap. Now mix the garlic, oil, and water in your mixture to make a fine slurry. Leave it for a night and then take a strainer to strain it. Now it’s time to mix the soap and pour the mix into a spray bottle. Then just spray it onto the infected plants and that’s it, no more searching for “beehive removal service near me”.
  • Horticultural Oil to The Rescue- It’s a lightweight, vegetable-based oil that works wonders for all types of gardens. This oil will cover the eggs, larvae, full-grown insects and kills these without bringing harm to the plants. Just a few drops will be enough to end spider mites aphids, leafhoppers, and whiteflies problems.

Having insects on your carefully grown plants are such a pain, but with the above tips, you can easily get rid of such problems. All these ingredients are easily available in the market and also won’t harm your kids or pets. But if these insects have shifted indoor, then you search for a professional “beehive removers near me”, to stop the problem from spreading more.